[EDOS Skyscape]

Welcome to

The East Denver Orthodox Synagogue

First Orthodox East Side Synagogue in Denver.
Committed to continued service to the entire Jewish Community.

The East Denver Orthodox Synagogue was established in 1962, and has served as a backbone of the Orthodox Community. We offer minyanim three times a day, shiurim, social programs, and youth programming, all in a friendly and warm environment. Our members have been instrumental in the establishment of many communal insititutions, such as the Eruv, the Mikvah, Bikur Cholim, all the local Jewish day schools, Chevra Kadisha, Rose Hill Cemetery, and other important organizations.

EDOS is located within ready walking distance of the three hotels within the East Side Eruv, and has an accessible entrance. Please call us if you would like to visit and experience our Shabbos hospitality.

If a family requires food after a childbirth, or shiva meals, please contact the chesed committee

During the COVID-19 management period, we ask that all out-of-town guests please receive permission to attend through our medical committee. They can be reached at edoscovid@gmail.com or 303-322-7943

Audio Shiur

Couldn't join our most recent shiur with Rabbi Rapp? Listen in now through our recorded shiur audio link! The complete listing of Shiurim is available every week on our Torah page Audio Shiur page. Rabbi Rapp's shiurim are also uploaded to YUTorah.org

Our Committees

Did you know that EDOS has a presence on several social media platforms? Aside from our web site (edosdenver.org) and associated newsfeed, EDOS has a mailer and weekly newsletter with hundreds of subscribers, Google and Bing search profiles, Facebook, Instagram & Twitter! We get thousands of “hits” per week. Thank you to co-chairs Shlomo Fried and Michael Schwartz who keep the news flowing!

The Chesed Committee serves the needs of the community including Denver’s warm traditions of providing meals for families with a new baby, meals for bereavements, coordinating meals and hospitality for those visiting family members seeking treatment, and visits to members who are in need. To arrange for the above services, please contact the Chesed Committee at edoschesed at gmail.com. Chesed Committee volunteers include Raacheli Fried, Mindy Hecht, Erin Salehrabi, and Karen Schottenstein.

The purpose of the Kashrut Committee is to make certain that we provide the highest standards of Kashrut in EDOS and wherever EDOS has functions. The EDOS kitchen is also under the auspices of the Vaad HaKashrus of Denver. Members of the committee are: Agi Fried, Mindy Hecht, Meryl Jacobs, Lottie Soble, and Susie Swinkin. If you are having a Simcha in the Shul or have a question relating to the Kashrut in the Shul or at a Shul function, the committee can be reached at kashrut at edosdenver.org or by contacting any committee member directly.

The purpose of the House Committee is to ensure the EDOS building is functionally working, and that our members and attendees have a comfortable, safe, healthy, and homey environment for studying, davening, meeting, and schmoozing. The committee chair is Alan Schreiber, and the activities of the committee are carried out by multiple volunteers throughout the year. Upcoming projects include installing additional smoke alarms and creating easy access to our egress window in the basement for our children. Please reach out to the committee by emailing house committee @ edosdenver dot org with any questions or concerns. But, be forewarned! The committee does not control the thermostats in the Shul.

The Adult Education Committee is charged with educational programming for the adult members of the shul. This includes choosing shiurim and selecting scholars in residence for programs throughout the year. For the latter, we seek to have a mix of men and women, as well as a mix of rabbinic and academic scholars. Most recently we hosted Mrs. Amy Horowitz to mark the conclusion (and beginning) of Nach Yomi.

Upcoming programs include: A visit by Rabbi Dr. Zvi Grumet on the Shabbat before Yom HaAtzmaut; and a visit by Rav Meir Goldwicht on the Shabbat prior to Yom Yerushalayim.

The committee comprises: Dr. Yitzchak Teitelbaum (Chair), Dr. Danny Mogyoros, and Dr. Terry Samuel. We are happy to receive suggestions for potential speakers and will consider all. Feel free to contact Yitzchak at education @ edosdenver dot org with suggestions for future programs.

Due to increased concern in the Jewish community about increasing acts of violence the EDOS Security Committee was formed. The purpose of the Committee was to increase security for the Shul, its membership, and the community. The committee is co-chaired by Craig Schottenstein and Shlomo Fried.

The Security Committee of EDOS employs the best possible security measures to allow the Shul members and the community to gather and daven in safety.

Our Shul has benefited from a National Security Grant which enabled us to install our security fence, cameras, alarm, and lighting system. We plan to apply for another grant to enhance our security with better access control, ballistic glass, and enhanced patrols at EDOS throughout the year.

Our security team has partnered with both local and national resources in order to help us be more aware of threats, to educate ourselves in new techniques, and to share experiences. We plan to attend a conference in the upcoming months solely focused on advanced security training.

Please feel free to email any questions, suggestions, or to volunteer your time to security at EDOSdenver dot org.

The Finance Committee of EDOS works on long term goals and special projects. The members act as advisors to the board and the treasurer, as well as assisting the EDOS Executive Director.

Our Shul’s continued success relies on our financial stability. We thank each of you in advance for your continued support of EDOS.

The committee is currently co-chaired by Mindy Hecht and Shlomo Fried and is looking for members who would like to help in this area. Please reach out to the committee by emailing gijemi1 at gmail dot com for any financial matter or if you have ideas to help the Shul in any financial way.

Sukkot at EDOS

Enjoy the Chag at EDOS!

Soup in the Sukkah first day!

Shiurim opportunities are availalble by clicking the poster adjacent.

Regular Classes

EDOS, as a community of learners, has a regular roster of daily and weekly classes.

Several of the classes are available via Zoom! Recordings on on our Audio Shiurim page.

Participate as much as you can, in person, or remotely.

See Events for information on current events, past scholars-in-residence, Shul honorees, lectures, summer kollel, Shul dessert receptions, and even our softball team! Even some videos and musical selections. Thank you so much to all the volunteers who make these events such a success!

Photo credit: Dr. Yitzchak Teitelbaum