Rabbi Daniel Rapp

Our Rabbi, 2013-2023

Rabbi Daniel Rapp received his bachelor’s degree, cum laude, from Yeshiva College in 1990. In 1995, he received his juris doctor from the Columbia University School of Law where he was twice named a Harlen Fisk Stone scholar for academic excellence, and was articles editor of the Columbia Business Law Review. He spent two and a half years studying at Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavne in Israel and was ordained by the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University with both yoreh yoreh and yadin yadin semichah.

Rabbi Rapp is Visiting Assistant Professor of Talmud at the Irving I. Stone Beit Medrash Program of Yeshiva University and Associate Dean of Students of Undergraduate Torah Studies. Rabbi Rapp is a Dayan (judge) at the Beth Din of America.

Rabbi Rapp is married to Dr. Chaya Rapp who is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at Yeshiva University’s Stern College for Women. They have been blessed with five wonderful daughters.

Rabbi Rapp became the spiritual leader of EDOS in 2013, after several years of bringing in the summer Kollel as a vibrant resource for the entire Denver community. Rabbi Rapp has continued this summer learning program, which is still a summer highlight for the congregation and the community.

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